



Improvement and Rehabilitation of Irrigation Systems

Assessment and drafting of plans for the rehabilitation of the irrigation network.

Projekti i Përmirësimit dhe Rehabilitimit të Sistemeve të Ujitjes


Ne jemi të përkushtuar për të përmirësuar qëndrueshmërinë dhe efikasitetin e sistemeve të ujitjes në të gjithë rajonin, duke kontribuar në rritjen e prodhimit bujqësor dhe në përmirësimin e mirëqenies së komuniteteve rurale. Projekti ynë synon të krijojë një bazë solide për menaxhimin e qëndrueshëm të burimeve ujore, duke respektuar nevojat mjedisore dhe ekonomike.

Irrigation system in function
Sorghum crops plantation irrigation
Rows pepper plantation divided by irrigation water channel. traditional method of watering the field

Irrigation Systems Improvement and Rehabilitation Project (IRIS)

We are committed to improving the sustainability and efficiency of irrigation systems across the region, contributing to increased agricultural production and improving the well-being of rural communities. Our project aims to create a solid foundation for sustainable management of water resources, while respecting environmental and economic needs.


Improving the irrigation network

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Benefits for Agriculture

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Why Is This Project Important?

At a time when climate change is affecting water resources, an effective irrigation system is vital for food security and economic development. Our project is designed to help farmers face new challenges and exploit the full potential of their lands.

Join Us

For more information about the project and ways you can get involved, we invite you to contact us or visit us at our local offices. Together, we can build a more sustainable future for our communities and for future generations.



Reconstruction and modernization of existing irrigation canals to ensure more efficient and equitable distribution of water.



Using new technologies and ecological approaches to conserve water resources and minimize losses.


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Irrigation system in function


We are committed to improving the sustainability and efficiency of irrigation systems across the region, contributing to increased agricultural production and improving the well-being of rural communities. Our project aims to create a solid foundation for sustainable management of water resources, while respecting environmental and economic needs.

What Do We Aim For?

Infrastructure Improvement: Reconstruction and modernization of existing irrigation canals to ensure more efficient and equitable water distribution.

Agricultural Benefits: Creating opportunities for farmers to increase productivity and improve crop yields.

Sustainability and Innovation: Using new technologies and ecological approaches to conserve water resources and minimize losses.

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