About us

“”Irrigation is not just about delivering water to crops; it is about preserving life, educating communities, and cultivating the future.””


Funded by the European Union 

Irrigation Systems Improvement and Rehabilitation Project

The Government of Kosovo has been awarded a grant from the European Union’s Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance II for the Project for the Improvement and Rehabilitation of Irrigation Systems IRIS.

The development objective of the Project for the Improvement and Rehabilitation of Irrigation Systems for Kosovo is to increase water use efficiency and increase agricultural productivity in the project area.

This project has three components.

1) Component One, Rehabilitation and Modernization of the Radoniqi-Dukagjini Irrigation Scheme has the following sub-components:

Rehabilitation of the Radoniqi-Dukagjini Irrigation Scheme; and
(ii) Modernization of the Radoniqi-Dukagjini Irrigation Scheme.

2) The second component, Capacity Building for Increasing Water Use Efficiency and Agricultural Productivity, aims to improve the sustainability and efficiency of infrastructure investments supported by component 1 and to increase the capacities of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Development (MAFRD), municipalities, irrigation providers and farmers.

3) The third component, Project Management, Coordination, Monitoring and Evaluation, aims to support the establishment of a Project Implementation Unit (PIU) which will build on the experience in implementing the Agriculture and Rural Development Project (ARDP) and will be adapted to the needs of the project activities.

The IRIS project is committed to improving the sustainability and efficiency of the Radoniqi – Dukagjini irrigation systems, contributing to increasing agricultural production and improving the well-being of rural communities. The project aims to create a solid basis for sustainable management of water resources, respecting environmental and economic needs.

Works envisaged under the IRIS project

• Rehabilitation of the network and electrical installations for the two pumping stations and automation of all structures in the main channel including the SCADA system;

• Rehabilitation of the G-2 sampling point and the separation well for the “D” sub-system in Prizren;

• Rehabilitation of the Administrative offices in Prizren and the warehouses in Prizren & Xërxë;

•Mechanization for operation and maintenance in the Dukagjini Irrigation District

Rehabilitation & Improvement of the IRIS-Comp 1 Irrigation System

Current Project

•This component of the project as a continuation aims to improve and modernize irrigation services in order to reduce water losses and production costs as well as introduce more profitable crops under the irrigation system and increase agricultural productivity;

•With the rehabilitations foreseen in the project, irrigation services will be improved on a total area of ​​11,750 ha at the level of the Radoniqi-Dukagjini RWC, thus increasing the irrigated areas by 4,000 ha in three subsystems (Qerim + Janosh with 3,200 ha and the “D” subsystem in Dukagjini with 800 ha)

Përmirësimi i Infrastrukturës

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Irrigation Systems Improvement and Rehabilitation Project


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Our Team

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Afrim Frrokaj

Menaxher i projektit

Afrim Frrokaj

Avdulla Nishori

Specialist i ujitjes

Avdulla Nishori

Valentina Duka

Specialiste e prokurimit

Valentina Duka

Jona Qyqalla

Asistente e projektit

Jona Qyqalla